It is our mission to be a vibrant centre of Christian Spirituality in the heart of the city, and to empower our community to become disciples of Christ by growing deeper into their relationship with God, through prayer, learning about the scriptures and practicing his word.
The Op Shop provides a service to the community in the form of quality, affordable clothing and merchandise for those who would otherwise go without.
They work with 'Ipswich Assist' and the local Presbyterian church by organising and supplying a 'voucher system' to assist, in very practical ways, those who are in need.
Led by our team of dedicated volunteers the St Paul’s Op Shop is open Monday - Friday from 9:00am - 2:00pm and Saturday from 9:00am - 12 Noon, offering discount goods to the public and those in need.
St Paul's Support Centre is a volunteer ministry outreach that aims to foster positive relationship building, enhance parenting skills, support people during times of bereavement and assist the socially disadvantaged.
We provide a drop in space, networking and referral assistance to a diverse range of community service providers, and offer in-house and take home resources on parenting, relationship issues and bereavement.
MU is a Mission Agency of the Anglican Church of Australia and is part of the worldwide Mothers’ Union. It has links to 83 countries and over four million members who share one heartfelt vision: to bring about a world where God’s love is shown through prayer and loving, respectful and flourishing relationships.
We meet on the fourth Thursday of every month, February to November, at 9:30am at St Paul’s for worship, morning tea, meeting and projects.
To find out more about MU and what they do please contact the office or check out their site: Mother's Union Australia.
AMS aims to encourage and support men to seek and to live out the Christian faith and their vocation as servants of God at all times and in all places. By deepening the sense of God's presence in their life, through worship, study, training and fellowship together.
For more information about AMS check out their website:
The Catering Group is a well organised team of friendly and supportive people who alleviate the responsibilities of catering from those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. They provide a much appreciated, and reasonably priced service.
They also cater for special events as well as add that 'special touch' to many community celebrations such as birthdays, baptisms and even farewells. Contact the Parish Office for more information.
The St Paul's Craft Group consists of a small number of ladies who meet on the third Monday of the month. We have fellowship while creating craft items for ourselves and for the craft stall that we have at the annual Quilt and Craft Display which is held in conjunction with the Ipswich Festival.
The Quilt and Craft Display is co-ordinated by the group and supported by the parishioners and public.
We meet on the 3rd Monday of the month in the church hall from 9.30am to 11.30am. Contact the office for more information